“Tarot helps us look within ourselves to understand our emotions, the reasoning behind our words and conduct, and the source of our conflicts.”

about me
Hello and welcome to this beautiful community!
Hi, I’m Gigi. I’ve been an intuitive reader and channeler for over 20 years and hope to share some messages of clarity and empowerment with those who need to hear them. This is a positive and uplifting space. You have found a home amongst friends! The goal of this site is to raise the vibrations on Earth through self-discovery and by working towards staying the course on our life journey. Tarot can help you understand the self and the situations around you. Clarity of thought leads to a journey of empowerment and fulfillment. Lots of love and light to you!
The YouTube Experience
Every day, collective readings are posted on my Youtube Channel.
The Daily Whisper Series reflects daily spirit messages for the
collective and bring clarity of spirit to those who are in need of it.
There are other series on the channel for those on a Twin Flame journey and those seeking to learn about their Life Path and Karma.
Please take a moment to subscribe to my YouTube channel.
Book your
Pick a service and select from available times.
Private Tarot Reading - Career
Recorded video of your reading delivered to you via a private, password protected VIMEO or Youtube link. Video delivered 48-72 hours post payment. Thank you!
Private Tarot Reading - Love
Recorded video of your reading delivered to you via a private, password protected VIMEO or Youtube link. Video delivered 48-72 hours post payment. Thank you!